
Calf Cramps - Foot Cramps

Calf  Cramps are unpleasant, often painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shortening. Common causes of skeletal muscle cramps may include muscle fatigue, low sodium, low potassium, and or low magnesium. There are many different causes of calf cramps, but the good news is there are steps you can take to help prevent them from occurring, as well as recommended treatments if a cramp does occur.

Magnesium Deficiency;
Often, an inadequate supply of the mineral magnesium to the body is the cause of calf cramps. So that we can move without any hindrances, muscles need to function properly. Whether we are talking about walking, running, jumping or being able to take hold of objects – the right ratio of magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium smoothly regulates muscle tension and relaxation. If insufficient magnesium is available, muscles tense up leading to possible calf cramps. The following products can safely and reliably build up the body’s own magnesium supply and prevent muscle and calf cramps:

Simple stretch routine to elevate Calf Cramps;
Muscle tightness is a well-known trigger of cramps. These stretches are easy to do and will
make a real difference in calf flexibility.
Stretching should not hurt. Do not do any stretch to the point of pain. Move slowly through all
movements described below, and hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Perform these stretches
4-5 times per week.

1) Toe Pull (Muscles of Feet)
1.Sit on the floor barefoot with one leg straight.
2. Loop a towel under your toes.
3.Pull until stretch is achieved.
Tip: As taught in most OW courses, this stretch can be done
to relieve an active foot or calf cramp while diving. Just grab
the blade of your fin, straighten your leg, and pull the blade
back towards your knee.
2) Stretch your calf muscles for about five minutes nightly before getting into bed. If you have a cramp, pull your toes back (don't point them), and, if necessary, put your foot on the floor and lean forward.

Some evidence suggests that a potassium deficiency may cause nocturnal leg cramps. Many sleepers have eliminated their cramps entirely just by making sure they eat plenty of potassium rich foods, including
  • Bananas, apricots, nectarines, dates, grapes, or raisins
  • Beans
  • Cabbage/broccoli family of vegetables
  • Oranges, grapefruit, and their juice
  • Pork and lamb
  • Potatoes and corn
  • Saltwater fish (for example, tuna)
  • Tomatoes and tomato juice

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to get rid of Foot Cramps.

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