
Tingling In Feet - Foot Cramps

Tingling Feet, also known as paresthesia,  Paraesthesia (...spelled paresthesia  in American) (also Cacaesthesia) is a sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness of a person's skin with no apparent long-term physical effect. It is more generally known as the feeling of "pins and needles" or of a limb "falling asleep" (although this is not directly related to the phenomenon of sleep). The manifestation of paresthesia may be transient or chronic.

Irritation to the nerve can also come from inflammation to the tissue. Joint conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome are common sources of paresthesia. Nerves below the head may be compressed where chronic neck and spine problems exist and can be caused by, among other things, muscle cramps that may be a result of clinical anxiety or excessive mental stress, bone disease, poor posture, unsafe heavy-lifting practices or physical trauma such as whiplash. Paresthesia can also be caused simply by putting pressure on a nerve by applying weight (or pressure) to the limb for extended periods of time.

Another cause of paresthesia, however, may be direct damage to the nerves themselves, i.e., neuropathy, which itself can stem from injury or infection such as frostbite or Lyme disease, or which may be indicative of a current neurological disorder. Neuropathy is also a side effect of some chemotherapies.

Treatment of Tingling in Feet;
Treatment of paresthesia involves diagnosing and treating the underlying disease, disorder or condition that is causing it. Some conditions can be easily and successfully treated and cured, while others may require more intensive treatment and may not have an optimal prognosis.

Treatment for some causes of paresthesia may also include manipulation of the neck by a trained physician, osteopath, chiropractor or physical therapist.
In addition to treating underlying causes of paresthesia, medications may be used to minimize the discomfort of paresthesia. These include corticosteroids, such as prednisone. In some cases topical numbing creams, such as Lidocaine cream, may be used.

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to get rid of Foot Cramps.

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