
Numbness in Toe - Foot Cramps

Numbness in Toes occurs when you lose normal sensation in an area of the body. This happens because pressure cuts off the blood supply to nerves that carry messages about sensation to the brain. Numbness is when you don't feel anything. When you experience Numbness, have an abnormal, usually unpleasant feeling in a part of your body. It may feel like lots of tiny pinpricks, tingling or shooting pains that travel down an arm or leg, or affect just one toe or both feet

There are several causes of numbness in toes, including poor circulation, nerve damage, and cold. Solving poor circulation can be as simple as having better posture or taking a break from work to walk around. It can also be as complicated as treating a disease, like diabetes, that makes having good blood circulation difficult. Numbness in the toes is more commonly caused by cold air or water, which can be solved by moving some place warmer or moving faster while stretching the toes. In addition, numbness of the digits can also be caused by nerve damage due to a disease or injury.

Causes of Numbness in Toes;
This short list shows some of the condition that can caused Numbness in Toe;

Pressure - Wearing tight shoes or sitting on your foot

Trapped nerve - A slipped disc or back problem can put pressure on a nerve that travels from your back, down your leg and into your toes.

Diabetes - Diabetes can damage small blood vessels that supply nerves in fingers and toes.

Injury - Damage to nerve endings in fingers or toes can be the result of an injury.

Diseases that damage nerves - These include stroke, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors.

Alcohol  - Alcohol abuse can damage nerves.

Vitamin deficiency - The lack of vitamin B12 causes anemia and nerve damage.

How to cure Numbness in Toes;
All of the above causes signify that numbness in toe can mean that there is something to be concerned about. However, one can try certain remedies to relieve or cure numbness in toes at home.

- Immerse your foot/toe in warm water. This can relieve the numbness in tor that may have occurred because of cold.

- Do a good amount of aerobic exercises daily. It keeps the blood flow better.

- Do a massage of the toe with a non aromatic oil like olive oil. It strengthens the skin and can relieve pain for some time.

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to get rid of Foot Cramps.

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