
Paronychia Treatment - Foot Cramps

Paronychia Treatment, An infection that develops along the edge of the fingernail or toenail is called a paronychia (pear-ah-NIK-ee-ah). It is the most common hand infection and, if left untreated, can progress to a more severe infection of the entire finger or toe.

Paronychia Causes:- 
Paronychias are most often caused by common skin bacteria entering the skin around the nail that has been damaged by trauma, such as nail biting, finger sucking, dishwashing, or chemical irritants. Fungal infection also can be a cause of paronychia formation, and should be considered especially in people with recurrent infection.

Infected Toenail - Paronynhia Symtoms and Signs:-
The most common symptoms and signs are the following:
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Pus collection
  • Pain and tenderness to touch 
 Medical Treatments:-
  • Antifungal nail polish- If the nail fungus is mild you can apply a nail polish known as ciclopirox. This medication contains alcohol that will help kill off the spores infecting the nails.
  • Surgery- In serious cases, surgery can be used to remove the toenail so a fresh, unaffected nail can grow in its place. Surgery can also be used to remove portions of the nail bed that have been infected.

Home Remedies for Infected Toenail:-

  • Vinegar- Vinegar can be used to kill off bacteria. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water and soak the feet in this mixture. This can be somewhat irritating so only perform this treatment 2-3 times per week.
  • Hydrogen peroxide- Use a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution on the affected toes 15-20 minutes then dry the toes with paper towels.
  • Vics VapoRub- Vicks has been reported to help kill off nail infections, but there are no solid reports on this cure. Check with your doctor to see if this cure might be helpful on your infection.
  • Essential oils- Lavender, thyme or tea tree oil have been found to be effective in curing toenail infections. Dip a cotton ball in the selected oil and apply it to the toes twice daily.
  • Mouthwash- Soak the affected toenails in mouthwash for 20 minutes daily to help kill off the fungus.
  • Alcohol- Rubbing alcohol can be effective in killing off contaminants on the food. Soak the toe in the alcohol for 20 minutes each day before bed.
  • Grapefruit seed extract- Mixing a solution of water or glycerin with grapefruit seed extract and brush it on the toes twice daily, then wipe the nail dry.
  • AHA ointments- AHA ointments can be applied daily before bed to help prevent fungus.
Preventions of Infected Toenail:
  • Apply antifungal spray- Antifungal sprays can kill off excess spores that can lead to an infection.
  • Keep toenail healthy- Make a point of keeping the nails trimmed straight. Make a point of keeping the feet dry to prevent providing an environment for fungus.
  • Wear proper socks- Wearing socks that keep moisture away from the feet will help you keep fungal spores away. If your feet tend to get sweaty, make a point of changing your socks often.
  • Avoid cut cuticles- Cutting the cuticles will leave wounds that will leave you susceptible to infection.
  • Seek professional help- Your doctor can provide you with proper antifungal medication if home remedies are not adequately treating your infection.
  • Quit nail polish- Nail polish does not give the nail room to breathe and will trap moisture close to the nail, making an infection worse.

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to get rid of Foot Cramps.

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